
Cold Feet Explained

During an average day, the feet support a combined force equivalent to several hundred tons. One fourth of the 206 bones in the human body are located in the feet. Our feet are a very important part of everyday life. They support our entire body and are the primary means of transportation. The feet are very small relative to the rest of the body. The impact of every step exerts tremendous force upon the feet, approximately 50% greater than your body weight.
Why are my feet always cold? When temperatures drop to a certain point, your body will conserve heat by shutting off the blood flow to your hands and feet - thus COLD FEET. The body responds to cold weather by trying to protect core temperature. Blood flow is reduced to the extremities leaving the feet vulnerable. Decreased blood flow can lead to the death of tissue known as necrosis and can compromise the ability to fight infection. Localized pockets of infection can develop under the skin. This is known as abscess. The infection can spread up your leg, become cellulites and you will need intravenous antibiotics to treat it. 

As a result of exposure to extreme cold weather and dry winter air in your house, you may experience dry, broken and sore skin on your feet. Scrapes or cracks in the skin can lead to severe infection with inadequate blood flow. Individuals who are affected by neuropathies are particularly vulnerable to cold and are at risk of serious complications by impeded circulation to the feet and legs. It is extremely important to keep our feet warm and to keep the skin moisturized.